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South American Weather And Crop Update 8 28 24

South American Weather and Crop Update (8-28-24)

Current Conditions

As of August 28, 2024, South America is experiencing a mix of weather conditions. The southern region, including Argentina and Chile, is currently in the midst of winter and is experiencing cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. The northern region, including Brazil and Colombia, is experiencing warm and humid conditions with occasional rainfall.


Argentina is currently experiencing cold and dry conditions, with average temperatures ranging from 0 to 10 degrees Celsius. Snowfall has been reported in the mountainous regions of the country, and frost is common in the early morning hours. The cold weather is expected to continue for the next few weeks.


Chile is also experiencing cold and dry conditions, with average temperatures ranging from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius. Snowfall has been reported in the Andes Mountains, and frost is common in the early morning hours. The cold weather is expected to continue for the next few weeks.


Brazil is currently experiencing warm and humid conditions, with average temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. Rainfall has been common in the northern and eastern regions of the country, and flooding has been reported in some areas. The warm and humid weather is expected to continue for the next few weeks.


Colombia is also experiencing warm and humid conditions, with average temperatures ranging from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius. Rainfall has been common in the western and southern regions of the country, and flooding has been reported in some areas. The warm and humid weather is expected to continue for the next few weeks.

Crop Conditions

The weather conditions in South America are having a mixed impact on crop conditions. The cold weather in the southern region is delaying the growth of crops, while the warm and humid weather in the northern region is promoting crop growth. Overall, crop conditions are expected to be average this year.


The cold weather in Argentina is delaying the growth of wheat and corn crops. However, farmers are optimistic that the crops will recover once the weather warms up. The cold weather is also expected to reduce the yield of apple and pear crops.


The cold weather in Chile is delaying the growth of grape crops. However, farmers are optimistic that the crops will recover once the weather warms up. The cold weather is also expected to reduce the yield of cherry and plum crops.


The warm and humid weather in Brazil is promoting the growth of sugarcane and soybean crops. However, the heavy rainfall has caused some flooding in the northern and eastern regions of the country, which has damaged some crops. The warm and humid weather is also expected to increase the incidence of pests and diseases.


The warm and humid weather in Colombia is promoting the growth of coffee and cocoa crops. However, the heavy rainfall has caused some flooding in the western and southern regions of the country, which has damaged some crops. The warm and humid weather is also expected to increase the incidence of pests and diseases.


The weather forecast for South America over the next few weeks is calling for a mix of conditions. The southern region is expected to continue to experience cold and dry conditions, while the northern region is expected to continue to experience warm and humid conditions. The weather conditions are expected to have a mixed impact on crop conditions, with some crops benefiting from the warm weather and others being delayed by the cold weather.
